Stop! Do You Have The Correct TV Swivel TV Bracket?

If you have recently decided to mount your TV to the wall, firstly yay! You have made the right decision. The benefits, as we are sure you are aware of, are many, but before you get excited and try to do it yourself, we are going to stop you right there.

See, it may seem like an easy job to do. But, honestly we recommend that you have a professional mount your TV for you. At Jim’s Antennas, we can professionally install your screen onto your wall and even hide all those messy cables. Our experts will mount your screen neatly and professionally, giving you peace of mind that it is secure and safe; particularly important if you have young children in the home.

When mounting your TV to the wall it’s also important that you have the correct TV bracket.

There are so many different types of brackets from flush wall mount to swivel to ceiling mounted it’s best to speak with your local expert first for optimum placement and the best bracket to suit your needs and room size.

Luke from Jim’s Antennas Shepparton recently wall mounted a 75″ TV in an outdoor room. Unfortunately, the swivel bracket supplied to the customer from the store wasn’t long enough to allow the TV to be centred on the wall, and the weight of the TV caused it to pull down on one side, which resulted in the TV not being level.

This was easily fixed as Luke had a selection of wall brackets that would suit the TV. A longer flat bracket was chosen by the customer, which allowed the TV to be moved along it once it was hanging to get the TV centred on the wall, and also to ensure that the TV would be level. Now the customer can enjoy their new TV knowing that it will forever stay level and centred on the wall.

So, if you are ready to mount your TV, make sure that it is done correctly and that you have the perfect TV bracket, by arranging your free onsite quote with your local Jim’s Antennas Franchise. Call 131 546 or book here.

To request a quote or booking, please click the button below to fill out the form below and your local franchisee will be in touch with you shortly.

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