Want Your Lounge Room To Look Sleek, Modern & Stylish? 👋

Doesn’t everyone want to be able to relax or to entertain in a space that feels and looks sleek, modern and inviting? The problem that many people have is that they don’t know how to achieve this without spending too much money. If this is you, you will be pleased to know that it can be done. You can change the look of your room, by simply mounting your TV to the wall, and the added bonus is, it’s not going to ‘break the bank’.

From the very moment that your TV is mounted, you instantly have more space, eliminate clutter and create a modern feel.

And, for those who really want to add style to their room, why not consider purchasing The Frame TV by Samsung. This is no ordinary TV. This is a TV that when turned off turns into ‘a piece of art’.

If you do decide to mount your TV; we highly recommend you don’t try to do it yourself. By having a professional do it for you, you will prevent damage to your TV and in some cases your wall. At Jim’s Antennas our experts will mount your screen neatly and professionally, and will ensure that it is positioned at the height, which best for you.

Steve, from Jim’s Antennas Heathmont, installed The Frame TV for a customer who had just moved into a new home. They wanted their 86 inch TV to be mounted and set up before the rest of the house was furnished, so that they could style the room accordingly. Steve also made sure that the TV cable was concealed in the wall, creating the sleek, modern look.

So, if you are looking to change your room, why not consider mounting your TV to the wall. To arrange your free onsite, no obligation quote, call 131 546 or book here.

To request a quote or booking, please click the button below to fill out the form below and your local franchisee will be in touch with you shortly.

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