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What is Starlink?

Starlink is Elon Musk’s latest venture, a group of satellites operated by SpaceX to achieve better internet access across the globe.

If you switch to Starlink as your new internet service provider, a neat little kit will be delivered to your doorstep.  This package includes all of the equipment necessary to fulfil promises of drastically improved internet speeds and strength: a Starlink satellite, Wi-Fi router, power supply, cables and mounting tripod. 

But how exactly does Starlink work? And is it really that different from other internet providers? 

Starlink provides internet through a low earth orbiting satellite, and offers speeds of up to 150Mbps and very low latency. 

Compared to other internet providers, Starlink can offer a much low latency, as they have been able to launch a number of satellites orbiting the earth at approximately 550km. Whereas, traditional satellite internet have used fewer satellites, orbiting at a much further distance of over 38,000km. As wireless signal is limited to the speed of light, this has left traditional services with a latency of over 600ms. 

Due to having lower orbiting satellites, Starlink is thought to be potentially groundbreaking technology as it is able to provide significantly lower latencies and higher internet speeds. This kit is predicted to be particularly revolutionary for rural areas, as Starlink installations in some rural towns have already been able to achieve latencies close to the fixed line or fibre options available to more densely populated locations.

While Starlink is an exciting new technology, DIY installation can sometimes result in damaged products or poor signal due to lack of expertise. If you have a Starlink kit to be installed, leave it in the hands of a trusted and experienced professional who has the right test equipment and tools to get the job done properly the first time.

Visit this page to find out more about our Starlink Installation service.

For help installing a Starlink Satellite, or to explore other possible solutions for improving your internet, don’t hesitate to contact Jims Antennas on 131546 or book a free onsite no obligation quote.

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