Smart Wiring New Homes

Jim’s Antennas can Smart Wire your home during the building stage to save you time and money.

Our client in North Beach now enjoys home lifestyle luxuries automation, all of which was installed by Jim’s Antennas Osborne Park.

Jim’s Antennas has the expertise with trained technicians to make your house ready for the 22nd Century.

Smart wiring is quickly becoming popular due to its increased availability. Our trained experts are able to bring the latest technology conveniences to the palm of your hand. The smart wiring allows you to control lights and devices using convenient controls. Turn items on and off from the palm of your hand with smart phones. Let Jim’s Antennas Smartwire your home with skill and expertise.

If you are curious, we’d be very happy to advise you about the best way to go about smart wiring your home.
We can also help with pre-build planning as this can save you a fortune down the track.

To request a quote or booking, please click the button below to fill out the form below and your local franchisee will be in touch with you shortly.

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Jim’s Antennas Hallett Cove recently paid a visit to Mt Mary Hotel built in 1894 in the Riverland. Clearly this ol’ girl was not designed for modern reception and cabling in mind so it came with its own challenges. Shaun was able to install and connect an antenna to improve their reception in what can […]

Well done to the installer Troy from Jim’s Antennas. I called out to commission and audit Troy’s installation of a Foxtel ready apartment block and the system was working great.

Listening to music when going for a run, or hitting the gym doesn’t just relieve boredom. This popular practice is also thought to decrease pain and increase stamina when exercising – resulting in a more effective work out.  Given this information, it comes as no surprise that music is commonplace in gyms across the country, […]

No one should have to be forced to talk on their mobile phone outside of the house. Especially during harsh weather conditions. Yet, this does happen to many households, who have weak to non existent mobile phone reception. There are many factors as to why you may struggle to use your mobile phone, such as […]