Matt From Moana Rides For a Reason

Matt from Jim’s Antennas Moana recently joined over 6,000 other cyclists in the Bupa Challenge ride of the Tour Down under in Adelaide. The full route was over 150km from Glenelg to Mount Barker, via Myponga!

Matthew found it was a great opportunity to ride for a reason and ride to raise money for the Cancer Council SA, in fact he is very pleased with being able to raise over $3600 for his efforts! As a non-government organisation Cancer Council SA’s ability to work towards beating cancer everyday is only made possible by the extraordinary generosity of South Australians.

Luckily though, with an overall time of over 5 and a 1/2 hours Matt will be sticking to his day job with Jim’s Antennas!

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Are you a business owner or run a warehouse/factory? If you said yes, we have a question for you. How secure is your factory from potential break-ins, robbery or vandalism? Do you already have a security system? Or, is it time for an upgrade? Either way, the experts to call are Jim’s Antennas. At Jim’s […]

Would you like to see who is at your front door ? The customer in St Kilda wanted to screen people knocking on the door.   We installed from Radio Parts Group the Aiphone Intercom system in the kitchen and upstairs hallway.  With the Camera neatly at the front gate, the cables are all out of sight, conduit under the […]

Mark from Jim’s Antennas Mount Annan, Southern New South Wales, recently installed a Matchmaster 4G filtered UHF antenna on a new home at Spring Farm. When installing this antenna, Mark also installed rubber flashing to create a water proof seal around the TV antenna rafter mount, as a precaution to prevent future issues such as […]