MATV For Apartments: Call Jim’s Antennas

Jim’s Antennas Melbourne are the leaders in Master Antenna Television installations, which are suited to larger style complexes such as apartments and office buildings.

Melbourne and surrounding suburbs are moving more and more toward apartments as the preferred lifestyle choice and as such, the demand for MATV has increased dramatically. Jim’s Antennas requires all their technicians to undergo extensive training prior to offering the service of installing MATV, and Troy from Jim’s Antennas Wollert has completed the training and now has 10 installations to his credit.

When selecting an installer it’s always best to select someone from a known and trusted brand, such as Jim’s Antennas, and it would also be well worth your while to contact previous clients to assess the quality of work completed. Troy’s clients would be more than happy to recommend him for all his previous MATV installations, with first class service coupled with first class equipment Troy’s calling card.

For all your MATV needs, call Jim’s Antennas on 1300 733 093.

To request a quote or booking, please click the button below to fill out the form below and your local franchisee will be in touch with you shortly.

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I’m called out a lot to customer’s premises for problem solving answers to their reception issues. This is one such problem where an antenna had been put in the roof space and the 6 existing TV points have been twist tied together and fed to the antenna. The customer was complaining of picture breakup and […]

Are you building a new home or about to purchase one? If so – congratulations! Did you know that not all builders will install your TV antenna connections or antennas. If this is you – don’t worry – Jim’s Antennas has you covered. Our team of installation experts specialise in all types of aerial installation […]

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A quick answer to this complicated question is that there isn’t one specific ‘antenna’ that is considered the ideal solution. The antenna which will give you the best results will depend on which transmission tower you are receiving your free-to-air TV signal from and the distance you are from that transmitter. If you live in […]