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Seamless TV Viewing on the Road: Caravan Antenna Installation in Adelaide

Travelling in a caravan offers freedom and adventure, but poor TV reception can often disrupt your favourite shows. At Jim’s Antennas, we specialise not only in home antenna solutions but also in upgrading caravan antennas to ensure reliable reception, no matter where the road takes you.

David Clarke, a skilled technician from Jim’s Antennas and Security Sellicks Beach, recently resolved a customer’s caravan TV reception problems. The customer was struggling with unreliable signals and pixelated images caused by an aging antenna, outdated cabling, and interference from nearby 4G and 5G phone towers (LTE interference).

David installed a new Winegard Sensor HV antenna with the LTE filter built-in, installed new digital quality co-ax cabling and terminated with new compression connectors. Signals were tested and all available channels were tuned in and signals all perfect.

Now, travelling will be more enjoyable knowing that at the end of the day, your favourite tv programme won’t be missed.

If your caravan antenna is old and outdated, if you are missing out on your regular programmes while travelling, then head to www.jimsantennas.com.au or call us on 13 15 46 and have one of our trained local technicians take care of your reception issues.

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