Does every phone call that you make leave you feeling frustrated, annoyed and anxious. Do you have to deal with dropouts, have difficulty hearing the other caller, slow mobile internet and increased battery usage? All of these things can be an absolute pain, particularly with you’re working from home. Even if you’re not, you shouldn’t have to put up with poor phone reception.
There can be many reasons as to why you have poor phone and internet connection, and one of them is foliage. Yep, if your house is surrounded by trees, hills and mountains, your most probably going to have issues with your phone signal. Unfortunately they are capable of blocking phone signals.
But, before you get ahead of yourself and start looking at new locations to move too, there is a simple solution. Powertec’s Cel-Fi Go4, which is Australia’s only legal mobile phone booster. The Cel-Fi was designed to amplify and disburse a mobile signal within a building without causing any interference to the mobile network.
Steve from Jim’s Antennas Heathmont recently installed Powertec’s Cel-FI Go4 for an elderly couple in Sassafras, Victoria. Due to the high interference in their area they were only able to use their phone outside, which is not ideal, particularly in the colder months. Now, that the Cel-Fi Go4 has been installed they are able to make calls in the comfort of their home.
There is no need to put up with poor phone reception. To find out more and to arrange your free onsite quote with your local Jim’s Antennas Franchise call 131 546 or book here.
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