Operating MONDAY to SUNDAY 7am - 7pm

The Future of Antennas

With the rapid advancement of TV and telecommunication technologies, alongside the rapidly growing popularity of streaming services, it may look like antennas are soon to become outdated.

However, Antennas Are Here to Stay, Here’s Why: 

  • Anti-Siphoning laws require key sporting events be broadcast on Free-to-Air TV
  • 5G will mean greater speeds for consumers, but will create more dead spots as 5G does not travel as far and penetrate buildings as well as 3G and 4G, creating more demand for internet boosters
  • 4K Broadcast DVB-T2, trials have started with a rollout expected in the next couple of years. At present it’s not clear whether this rollout will mean new antennas for all households but it will certainly require older antennas to be upgraded. 
  • Foxtel is moving from cable to IP, meaning Antennas will be required to view FTA content. 
  • Well-known issues with the NBN and the reliance on older technologies means that there will always be limitations on speed and the ability to stream 4K television. Some users may therefore be reliant on over the air broadcasting for 4K viewing. 
  • Some areas NBN will never be available by traditional cable and will need to receive NBN via satellite broadcast
  • New high speed internet technologies such as Starlink operate via satellite broadcast 
  • DAB radio signals are not as strong as traditional FM/AM and may require roof mounted antenna to receive an adequate signal
  • A re-stack of Free-to-Air channels to a smaller bandwidth in the future will likely mean new antennas will be required

At Jim’s Antennas, Our Team Do More Than Just Antennas. We Have Also Seen Exponential Growth in Other Services We Provide Such As:

All Jim’s Antennas Franchisees also have the option of taking up dual Antenna and Security branding and the option to take leads for the following services:

The Future of the Jim’s Antennas Division is Strong! Visit Our Join Jim’s Antennas Page to Find Out More About Joining the Team.

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