Operating MONDAY to SUNDAY 7am - 7pm

Looking to light up your room?

Don’t worry if you missed out on last year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Thankfully there are some great deals to start the New Year off with a bang; particularly for those who are after TVs. Once you have purchased your new TV, whether it’s for you or as a gift, we recommend that you have it professionally installed, to ensure that your TV will be working at its optimal performance.

Depending where you would like your TV to be positioned, at Jim’s Antennas our tech experts can help with both installing and mounting to walls. The reason why it’s important to have a professional do this for you is because wall mounting a TV can go horribly wrong in the wrong hands, resulting in damage to the new TV, walls, electrical cables and often people!

Our team of experts can also mount your TV speakers and sound bars properly so that you receive the best sound quality possible. If you want to give your TV and room that extra bit of ”pizzazz” (or to make your gift just that little bit more special) why not consider adding led lights to your TV??

Troy from Jim’s Antennas Wollert recently installed a TV onto a wall as a gift for a very lucky 12 year old. They were so excited to receive a TV that had changing led lights. It certainly made their room even more special.

No matter what the size of your TV is, at Jim’s Antennas our TV wall mounting experts are here to help make your room look just as special. Just call 131 546 or book here to arrange your free onsite quote today.

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