Operating MONDAY to SUNDAY 7am - 7pm


Now that the borders across Australia are finally opening more people will be leaving their cars at home to travel Interstate (yay!). Which leads us to ask – if you are leaving your car at home, is it protected? See, according to www.cota.com.au/ a motor vehicle is stolen every 10 minutes in Australia, thieves are ‎after personal items that they can sell, like car stereos, mobile phones, laptops and GPS ‎navigation devices.‎ In some cases motor vehicles are randomly vandalised, with tyres being punctured.

Which is why it is so important that you protect your motor vehicle, whether you are going away or not, so that you can have the ‘peace of mind’. At Jim’s Antennas our team work closely with our licensed Jim’s Security to assist clients with the installation and repair of CCTV Systems & Security Cameras, Security Alarms and Video Intercoms.

Our security experts will inspect your property and provide you with a customised assessment of security options that best suit your property and budget. Michael from Jim’s Antennas & Jim’s Security in South Morang had a customer who wanted to keep an eye on his work van as he parks it out the front of his property. The customer was so happy with the results that he sent this picture below to Michael.

Michael had installed Dahua 6mp Starlight Cameras for his customer. This is in fact Jim’s best selling CCTV package as the quality of the Digital IP CCTV is absolutely stunning. Which isn’t surprising as Dahua is the World’s second largest CCTV company. This package also allows you to remotely view cameras using your smartphone and has a Smart analytics & Intelligent detection: Intrusion, tripwire. With a 3 year warranty backed by Jim’s, it really is the best option.

To find out more on how you can protect your motor vehicles, call 131 546 or book here, for your free onsite, no obligation quote today.

Protect your property and motor vehicles by installing a Dahua 6mp Starlight Cameras.

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